This was the first project in the video series that included more than lettering – I finally get to paint leaves!
They seemed easy… You start with just a little bit of pressure on the Apple Pencil, then apply more pressure for the leaf itself, and then release pressure again to add a pointed tip on the leaf.
It was really hard.
You’ll see in the video that I erase and replace almost every leaf after I draw it. The video tutorial that I watched suggested that we practice drawing leaves the same way that we practice lettering. You must practice the strokes and pressure with the pencil to understand how to move the tool to achieve the desired look.
Of course, I was impatient with this one and decided to try my best without practicing.
I am quite happy with the final product, but I do not particularly like the video that captures the process of getting there. I think this is partly due to how each individual leaf looks fairly awkward and imperfect, but when all of the layers are put together it looks uniquely natural.
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